Degree of Comparison in English Grammar | Assamese Explanation

What are the rules for changing the degree of comparison? This article will give you the rules to change the degree of comparison of an adjective from a positive degree into a comparative and superlative degree. এই article টোত আমি ইংৰাজী ব্যাকৰণৰ “Degree of Comparison” সলনি কৰাৰ কিছুমান নিয়মৰ বিষয়ে আলোচনা কৰিম।

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Degree of Comparison in English Grammar | Notes in Assamese

Degree of Comparison in English Grammar | Notes in Assamese

Examining the degree of comparison in the English language provides fascinating insights into how adverbs and adjectives are employed to contrast certain attributes or traits. This part of grammar is essential for conveying thoughts with accuracy and subtlety, from the most basic forms of adjectives and adverbs to the more sophisticated comparative and superlative degrees. Gaining an understanding of the degree of similarity improves communication skills in addition to linguistic competency.

In this article, you will learn how to change the degree of comparison to compare a person or thing having the same quality with another. You will learn various rules to change the adjective into a positive, comparative, and superlative degree.

Rule to Change the Degree of Comparison with Examples| বিশেষণৰ তুলনা কৰা নিয়ম সমূহ

Here we will discuss 5 rules for changing the degree of an adjective from positive to comparative and superlative degree. ইয়াত আমি বিশেষণৰ তুলনা কৰা পাঁচটা নিয়ম সমূহৰ বিষয়ে আলোচনা কৰিম।

Rule 1: By adding ‘er’ and ‘est’

To change an adjective into a comparative degree ‘er’ is added to the positive degree and ‘est’ is added to change it into the superlative degree.

বিশেষণ এটাক ‘comparative degree’ লৈ সলনি কৰিবলৈ ‘positive degree’ ত ‘er’ যোগ কৰা হয় আৰু ইয়াক ‘superlative degree’লৈ সলনি কৰিবলৈ ‘est’ যোগ কৰা হয়।

Sl. No.PositiveComparativeSuperlative

Rule 2: By adding ‘r’ and ‘st’

If ‘e’ is present at the end of a positive degree, ‘r’ is added to change it into a comparative degree and ‘st’ to change it into the superlative degree.

Also Read: Gender – Rules to Change the Gender of Noun or Pronoun

যদি কোনো positive degreeৰ শেষত ‘e’ থাকে তেন্তে ইয়াক comparative degreeলৈ সলনি কৰিবলৈ ‘r’ আৰু superlative degreeলৈ সলনি কৰিবলৈ ‘st’ যোগ কৰা হয়।

Sl. No.PositiveComparativeSuperlative

Rule 3: By adding ‘er’ and ‘est’

If the positive degree ends in a consonant and a short vowel comes before it, the last consonant is doubled, and then ‘er’ and ‘est’ are added to change it into comparative and superlative degrees respectively.

যদি positive degreeটো ব্যঞ্জনবৰ্ণত শেষ হয় আৰু তাৰ আগত এটা চুটি স্বৰবৰ্ণ আহে, তেন্তে শেষৰ ব্যঞ্জনবৰ্ণটো দুগুণ কৰা হয়, আৰু তাৰ পিছত ‘er’ আৰু ‘est’ যোগ কৰি ক্ৰমে comparative আৰু superlative degree লৈ সলনি কৰা হয়।

Sl. No.PositiveComparativeSuperlative

Rule 4: By adding ‘er’ and ‘est’

When a positive degree ends in ‘y’ and a consonant is present before ‘y’, the ‘y’ is converted into ‘i’, and then ‘er’ and ‘est’ are added respectively.

যেতিয়া positive degree ‘y’ ত শেষ হয় আৰু ‘y’ ৰ আগত ব্যঞ্জনবৰ্ণ থাকে, তেতিয়া ‘y’‘i’ লৈ ৰূপান্তৰিত কৰা হয়, আৰু তাৰ পিছত ক্ৰমে ‘er’ আৰু ‘est’ যোগ কৰা হয়।

Sl. No.PositiveComparativeSuperlative

Note: If a vowel is present before ‘y’, only ‘er’ and ‘est’ should be added.

Sl. No.PositiveComparativeSuperlative

Degree of Comparison Rule 5: By adding ‘more’ and ‘most’

Adjectives that are of more than two syllables are changed to comparative and superlative degrees by adding more and most respectively.

দুটাতকৈ অধিক syllables ৰ বিশেষণবোৰ ক্ৰমে ‘more’ আৰু ‘most’ যোগ কৰি comparative degree আৰু superlative degree লৈ সলনি কৰা হয়।

Sl. No.PositiveComparativeSuperlative
1Beautifulmore beautifulmost beautiful
2Courageousmore courageousmost courageous
3Intelligentmore intelligentmost intelligent
4Pleasantmore pleasantmost pleasant

Note: Certain adjectives do not follow any rule. They get changed completely.

Sl. No.PositiveComparativeSuperlative
4Fore formerforemost/first

We hope this will be very helpful if you are preparing for any competitive exams like SSC, Assam TET, ADRE 2.0 Grade 3 and Grade 4, etc.

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