Are you searching for a detailed discussion on the pedagogy syllabus of Assam TET recruitment? We have come to the right place. Here we will be discussing all the important topics of pedagogy that you need to cover before appearing in the Assam Graduate and Post Graduates TET examination 2024.

Assam Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) Cum Recruitment Test for Graduate Teacher (GT) – 2024
Directorate of Secondary Education (DSE), Assam has released two employment notifications for the recruitment of 7454 Graduate Teachers (Arts, Science, Hindi, and Sanskrit) Vacancy in various Government and Provincialized Secondary Schools under the Secondary Education Department, Govt. of Assam.
Since the online application has not been started yet, you have enough time to prepare well for the upcoming examination. So, in this article, we will discuss the Assam TET Pedagogy Syllabus in detail. We will be discussing all the important topics from the pedagogy sections.
Structure and Syllabus of Graduate Teacher (GT)
Directorate of Secondary Education (DSE), Assam has given the official pattern of the Assam High School TET in their official notification. The pattern of the test is as follows:
Subject | Marks |
Pedagogy | 50 Marks |
About Assam and its People | 50 Marks |
General English | 30 Marks |
General Studies and Current Affairs | 10 Marks |
Total | 140 Marks |
There will be a total of 140 marks in the Assam HS TET 2024 recruitment exam. This will be the common paper for candidates appearing for various Graduate Teacher posts. The number of qualified candidates in the Assam TET cum Recruitment Test shall be in the ratio 1:1 of the vacancies advertised. We have also published a post discussing the syllabus on “Assam and Its People”.
Assam HS TET cum Recruitment 2024 Syllabus for Pedagogy
As it is clear from the above exam pattern of the Assam HS TET 2024 examination the Pedagogy section is going to be a vital part. The pedagogy section consists of 50 marks which is more than 35% of the total marks. So, it is very important for you that you cover every topic from the Pedagogy sections for the upcoming Assam TET cum recruitment for Graduate Teachers.
9 Important Topics on Teaching-Learning Process and Pedagogy
Following are the key topics that you need to cover from the Teaching-Learning Process and Pedagogy of Teaching-Learning. These are the common topics from which questions are given in the Pedagogy sections.
#1. General Principles of Teaching, Maxims of Teaching
In this section, you have to clarify the concepts and meaning of the teaching-learning process and the definitions provided by various philosophers and educationists. Along with this, you must have a clear understanding of the principles of teaching from various perspectives.
#2. Significant Trends in Modern Teaching Learning Process
The teaching-learning process has changed over time. So, it is necessary to know the modern trends in the teaching-learning process. In this section of the Assam TET Pedagogy syllabus, you have to cover the characteristics, state, and importance of modern teaching methods or teaching-learning processes.
Along with this, you should clear the concepts of outlining the steps in lesson planning using modern trends and why modern teaching should be used in the classroom as well as the schools’ curriculum.
#3. Process of Learning-Major Laws of Learning, Role of Motivation in Learning
Here, you have to begin with the concept of learning, its meaning, definitions, and characteristics. Apart from this, you have to go thoroughly on various models of learning, principles of learning, laws of learning, and the educational implications of them.
#4. Teaching Methods and Techniques
Teaching is a very important part of education. No formal education can take place without teaching. Thus teaching methods and teaching techniques are very important. A teacher must use proper teaching methods and teaching techniques to make the teaching-learning process efficient.
Thus it becomes an important topic on the Assam TET Pedagogy Syllabus for the upcoming Graduate Teachers Recruitment by Directorate Secondary Education, Govt. of Assam.
#5. Teaching Skills
Teaching skills are the group of teaching acts or behaviors which are intended to facilitate learners learning directly or indirectly. In this section, you have to give importance to various steps that include various methods of teaching, why we need to have teaching skills in teaching, etc.
Also, you have to learn the concepts of various teaching skills practiced by a teacher. these are as follows:
- Skill in Writing instructional objectives.
- Introducing a lesson
- Use of blackboard
- Questioning skill
- Probing skill
- Stimulus Variation skill
- Explanation skill
- Skill of Explaining
- Demonstration
- Reinforcement skill
- Closure skill
#6. Teaching Devices
In this part of the Pedagogy Syllabus for Assam TET cum Recruitment for Graduate Teachers, the concepts like meaning, types, and characteristics of teaching devices have to be cleared. Along with this educational implications and modern trends in teaching devices used have to be cleared.
Also, give special emphasis on the use of teaching devices in Indian Secondary Education.
#7. Taxonomy of Educational Objectives: Cognitive, Affective & Psychomotor
This is the most important part of the Assam HS TET pedagogy syllabus. You will find assured questions that will asked in the Assam HS TET examination on the Taxonomy of educational objectives. Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives is the most important topic in this section.
The three domains of educational objectives as identified by Bloom from which major questions come in the Assam TET examination are as follows:
- Cognitive Domain
- Affective Domain
- Psychomotor Domain
#8. Lesson Plan: Essentials of a Good Unit
A Lesson plan plays a key role in the teaching-learning process. It helps a teacher to impart learning among the students efficiently within a limited duration of time. Thus this is also an important topic for Assam Teacher Eligibility Test for Graduate Teachers Recruitment.
Key topics that you need to cover in this section are – meaning, definitions, characteristics, types of lesson planning, and the essentials of a good lesson plan.
#9. Teaching Aids
Teaching Aids helps a teacher to effectively impart the understanding of a concept. It makes learning entertaining. Important topics you need to cover in this section are – the meaning, definitions, characteristics, and classifications of teaching aids.
7 Important Topics on Educational Psychology
Another important category from the Assam TET Pedagogy Syllabus for the upcoming Graduate Teacher (GT) recruitment test 2024 is Education Psychology. It is a verse topic that includes several principles, theories, and concepts. You have to go thoroughly through each topic of this section.
Following are a few important topics from Educational Psychology that are included in the Assam TET Pedagogy syllabus.
#1. Educational Psychology- Its Meaning and Nature:
In this section of Pedagogy, you have to cover the meaning and nature of Educational Psychology and its application in the classroom. Along with these, you have to cover the following topics of educational psychology.
- Difference between educational psychology and general psychology
- Scope, merits, and demerits of educational psychology
#2: Application of Educational Psychology in the Classroom
In this section, you have to cover topics like – the importance of educational psychology in the classroom for a teacher, various methods of educational psychology, advantages and disadvantages of educational psychology, etc.
#3. Attention and Interest – Its Educational Implication
Attention and Interest, both play a vital role learning process. Also, attention and learning, both are co-related to each other. A teacher has to draw attention to the students before the instruction. In the meantime, the teacher must create interest among the students in the topic.
Thus, attention and interest are very important topics of the pedagogy syllabus of Assam TET for Graduate Teachers.
#4. Personality
Personality building among secondary school students is very important. A teacher must be aware of various aspects of the personality of an individual. In this section, we have to cover topics like the concept of personality, its characteristics, factors that affect personality, and the role of family and school in personality development.
#5. Education of Children with Special Needs
All children are not the same. They differ in their physical appearance and mental capabilities. Children with special needs are special treatment by the teachers. The teacher is aware of their psychological aspect and how to deal with them. Thus it also becomes an important topic for the upcoming Assam TET exam.
#6. Mental Health and Hygiene, Adjustment and Mechanism
Various topics in this section are – the concept of mental hygiene, the importance of mental health and hygiene, the concept of Adjustment, its definitions, various defense mechanisms, the cause of maladjustment, etc.
#7. Intelligence
This topic is very vast. This is one of the most important topics of the pedagogy syllabus of Assam HS TET 2024. You have to learn about the concept of intelligence, its nature, concepts of individual differences in intelligence, creativity, various categories of intelligence based on IQ, etc.
7 Important Topics on Psychology of Adolescence For Pedagogy Syllabus of Assam TET 2024
As all the students of secondary students are in their adolescence period, it becomes important for a graduate teacher to know about all the aspects of the psychology of adolescence among the students. This is also become an important topic for the Assam TET cum recruitment pedagogy syllabus for Graduate Teacher recruitment under DSE, Assam.
In this section of Pedagogy, the following topics are most important. You have to go thoroughly through each topic and sub-topics.
- Significance of Adolescence Period
- Dimensions of Development during Adolescence- physical, intellectual, social, emotional and moral
- Emotional problems in the classroom
- Understanding The Adolescent Learner- The Role of Family and School
- Juvenile Delinquency
- Guidance and Counselling
- Understanding Developmental Hazards during Adolescence
My suggestion would be that, try to learn the concepts of the topic of pedagogy concerning secondary education in India and Assam. Since this Assam TET (ATET) is for the recruitment of Graduate Teachers, the questions asked will mostly related to the psychology of secondary school students.
Comparison of Assam HS TET Pedagogy Syllabus with CTET Syllabus
The Pedagogy syllabus of Assam TET 2024 conducted for the recruitment of Graduate Teachers under the Directorate of Secondary Education, Assam is far different than the CTET syllabus. While CTET is for the eligibility to teach in Lower Primary and Upper Primary Schools, Assam High School TET is for the eligibility to teach in secondary schools of Assam.
The Pedagogy syllabus in Assam HS TET is more vast than the pedagogy of the syllabus of the Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET). You will find the difference in their question pattern too. The questions asked in the Assam HS TET are more factual than the questions asked in CTET.
Lastly, it would be suggested that your preparation for the Pedagogy for Assam HS TET should be different from the preparation you made for CTET.