Are you preparing for the Assam TET cum recruitment test for the recruitment of Graduate Teachers under DHS, Govt. of Assam? Don’t know what topic you should cover About Assam and Its People? Then you have come to the right place. Here will discuss in detail the syllabus of About Assam and Its People for Assam TET 2024.
As you already know, in the notification given by the Directorate of Secondary Education, Assam has not clarified the syllabus for Assam HS TET 2024 on About Assam and Its People. So, here we have some most important topics from this section so that you can start your preparation for the upcoming Graduate Teachers Recruitment 2024 by DSE, Assam.

What is Assam High School TET 2024 For?
Directorate of Secondary Education, Assam has released a notification for the recruitment of 7454 Graduates Teachers. Thus for this recruitment, DSE will conduct the Assam Teacher Eligibility Test (ATET) cum Recruitment Test 2024.
The date and online notification has not been confirmed yet. It is speculated that the exams will be conducted during the months of Jule or July 2024. So, you have enough time to prepare well for the Assam HS TET 2024.
We have already discussed the exam pattern of the upcoming ATET 2024 exam. There will be 50 marks for the pedagogy part, 50 marks for the About Assam and Its People, 30 marks for the English part, and 10 for the General Knowledge and Current Affairs Part. This makes a total of 140 Marks in the HS TET 2024 exam.
Complete Syllabus of Assam and Its People for Assam High School TET 2024
In the notification given by the Directorate of Secondary Education, Assam, only the marks distribution for each subject is given. The detailed syllabus for each subject is not yet released. So, there is confusion regarding the syllabus for each subject of Assam TET 2024.
We have already discussed the syllabus for the Pedagogy Part of Assam TET 2024. Here in this article, we will be discussing the complete syllabus for the Assam HS TET syllabus for the “About Assam and Its People” section.
Here we have divided the syllabus for”About Assam and Its People” into 7 categories. These are discussed as follows:
#1 History of Assam Syllabus for ATET 2024
The first thing that comes to our mind regarding the Syllabus for Assam and Its People is the History of Assam. This is the most important category of the syllabus and every year and in any examination conducted by the Assam government, the questions from the History of Assam are common.
As we already know, the History of Assam can be divided into four eras. These are as follows:
- Mythological Period of Assam
- Ancient History of Assam
- Medieval History of Assam
- Modern Assam
You have to go through each topic related to the History of Assam so that you don’t miss any questions from this section.
#2 Geography and Demography of Assam
In the geography section, you have to cover these topics – Physical, economic, and human-physical division of Assam; climate, and biodiversity of Assam; National Parks and Wildlife Sanctuaries; World Heritage sites; Geology and Mining; etc.
For the Demography of Assam, you have to cover topics like the population of Assam, Different Ethnic Groups of Assam, Districts and Subdistricts; Agriculture, tea, oil, cottage and small-scale industries of Assam; Census 2011, Languages etc.
I would suggest you cover each topic in detail. For example – for wildlife sanctuaries, you should know their location, and specify found, when it is declared as a wildlife sanctuary, their importance, etc.
#3 Economy of Assam – Important Topic to Be Covered
Assam’s economy is an emerging economy. Recently various economic activities happened for the growth of Assam’s Economy. So, the economy of Assam also became an important topic to be covered under the category Assam and Its People in the Syllabus of Assam HS TET 2024.
In this section, you need to cover topics like Statistics on the Economy of Assam, Assam Tea Industry, Assam Silk Industry, and other industries, Agriculture, Oil and Gas, Economy and Social Development Scheme of Assam, Schemes for vulnerable sections, North Eastern council, Assam Natural Resources, and Energy Resources.
#4 Polity of Assam – About Assam & Its People
The polity of Assam is also one of the most important topics for the syllabus of About Assam and Its People. For this section, You have to cover the following topics.
- Administrative Units of Assam
- Assam Legislative Assembly
- Autonomous Council in Assam
- District Administration
- The Guwahati High Court
- List of Various Chief Ministers and Governors of Assam
- State Symbols
- About various Departments and governments of Assam.
You have to go through it thoroughly for each of the topics that I have mentioned above.
#5 Art and Culture of Assam
Assamese Art and Culture has its uniqueness. Assam is very rich in its arts and culture which also help in the development of the tourism sector of Assam. The government taking various steps to promote Assam’s arts and culture worldwide. Thus it is also an important topic as general knowledge and current affairs for Assam TET 2024.
In this section, you have to cover topics like Festivals of Assam, Fairs, and Dances of Assam; Cultural institutions and Satra Institutions of Assam, Cultural Icons of Assam, Important Items in Assamese Culture, Important personalities related to Art and Culture of Assam.
#6 Assamese Language and Literature
Assamese is the primary language of Assam. Assamese literature is the entire corpus of poetry, novels, short stories, documents, and other writings in the Assamese language.
In this category, you need to cover in detail about History of Assamese Literature, Assam Sahitya Sabha, the List of Sahitya Academi Award winners in different categories, Autobiographies of noted personalities, Famous books and writers, Nicknames or sobriquets of famous personalities.
#7 Important Places, Temples, Satras
This part of the syllabus of About Assam and Its People contains factual knowledge. You have to memorize the locations of various important places in Assam along with their locations. Also, there are several temples and Satras in Assam which has historical importance.
I would suggest you memorize all the names of temples and their locations along with their historical importance.
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